No other plant heralds spring like the azalea. Known for its bright clusters of flowers that practically cover the entire plant, this plant is perfect when used as a border plant, hedge, or as a mass planting in a shaded area. Azaleas do best when planted in an area that gets dappled sunlight most of the day and gets plenty of moisture. Since these plants belong to the Rhododendron family, they prefer mildly acidic soil with a good dose of iron and micronutrients. Fertilize this plant periodically with a fertilizer formulated explicitly for azaleas to keep them happy and blooming.
When planting, select an area with partial sunlight since they do best with some shade, this will protect them from extreme heat and drought. These plants have shallow root systems, so make sure to plant them in good soil and in an area with good drainage. Water daily when planted in the landscape until established. Water thoroughly, but do not soak. This plant does not like wet feet. Water as needed after established.
Note: These plants are grown for decorative purposes and are not intended for human or animal consumption
Outstanding Features: Classic spring bloomer, profuse bloomer
Common Name
Bloom Colors
Various colors
Water daily until established then as needed.
7-9 and above depending on variety
Fertilizer formulated for azalea
Scientific Name
Dappled light for about 6 hours a day
About 5 feet tall and about 4 feet wide
No overwintering required
Companion Plants
Ti plant, clusia, dwarf mondo grass