This beautiful succulent originally hails from the island of Madagascar off the eastern coast of Africa. The crown of thorns has fleshy leaves and stems that help store water and make them a great plant if xeriscaping, and you want to add a splash of color to your landscape design. Aside from being drought tolerant, it is also tolerant of salt and deer. Plant this thorny beauty under windows as a protective measure to keep unwanted guests out of the garden. Crown of Thorns can be grown in the landscape but can also be cultivated in containers, and as houseplants given, they have the proper amount of light. Most new varieties don beautiful clusters of medium-sized flowers in yellow, red, orange, salmon, and even white.
Plant these tropical plants in sunny spots in well-drained soil. Water every other day when planted in the landscape until established. Water thoroughly, but do not soak. Once established, water during periods of extreme heat or extended drought Fertilize at the beginning of the growing season, during the summer, and then one last time during the fall. Use a well-balanced fertilizer to feed these succulents for abundant flowers and beautiful leaves.
Note: These plants are grown for decorative purposes and are not intended for human or animal consumption
Outstanding Features: Drought, deer and salt resistant
Common Name
Crown of Thorns
Bloom Colors
Red, yellow, and salmon
Water every other day until established, then only as needed
9 and above
Well-balanced fertilizer throughout the growing season
Scientific Name
Euphorbia milii
Full Sun
2-4 feet tall depending on the variety
In zones 8 and lower, use as a container plant or as an annual in the landscape
Companion Plants
Clusia, mandevilla, dwarf mondo grass