Dracaenas are popular landscape plants as well as houseplants. These plants sometimes are confused with cordylines since they have a similar growth habit, shape, and care. Some of the most popular dracaenas are the ‘Marginata’ and the Corn Plant. The corn plant produces racemes of flowers with a jasmine-like fragrance that can be rather strong. Dracaenas are ideal plants for areas that need height, such as a blank wall or a bare fence. Dracaenas do best in zones 10 and above; however, they can tolerate temperatures in zone 9b if protected from frost and prolonged low temperatures. Some varieties of this plant can be used as houseplants. They work great in high, bright, indirect light areas as well as medium light areas in the home. Some of the varieties such as the ‘Janet Craig’ come in small 4inch pots and are favorites when decorating end tables, counters or desks.
Dracaenas like full sun and some partial shade during the hottest parts of the day. Plant this tropical in well-drained soil. Water the plant regularly until it is established, then water as needed. Regular pruning is not necessary, prune only yellow or damaged leaves. Fertilize with a well-balanced fertilizer three times a year starting in the spring.
Some of our favorites: Dracaena marginata ‘Colorama,’ Dracaena marginata ‘magenta’, Dracaena marginata ‘Green’ Dracaena ‘Maria’, Dracaena ‘Santa Rosa, Dracaena warnecki, Dracaena warnecki ‘lemon-lime’, Dracaena rickii, Dracaena ‘Janet Craig’, Dracaena ‘Florica’,
Note: These plants are grown for decorative purposes and are not intended for human or animal consumption
Outstanding Features: Bold foliage, upright habit, fits in narrow spaces
Common Name
Bloom Colors
Racemes of cream-colored, fragrant flowers on some varieties
Water regularly until established then as needed
9 and above
Well-balanced fertilizer throughout the growing season
Scientific Name
Dracaena spp.
Full to part shade
6 feet tall and about 3 feet wide
In zones 8 and lower, use as a container plant or as an annual in the landscape
Companion Plants
Crossandra, Ixora, Ipomea