Graceful trumpet-like flowers and the vining habit of mandevillas are a welcome addition to a tropical garden or a summer container garden. Newer varieties of this tropical favorite have a mounding habit and do well as accent plants in borders and around walkways. Plant the mounding mandevilla in baskets for a spectacular show of flowers in balconies and patios. Mandevillas flower non-stop through the summer and add a splash of color to tropical landscapes and container gardens alike. Plant vining mandevilla on a trellis, so it has plenty of space to spread out. Vining mandevillas make an excellent screen when grown on tall and wide trellises. These plants are also available as standards with a simple trunk.
Plant these tropical beauties in the landscape in zones 10 and above. If planted in zone 9, a healthy plant will lose its leaves during the winter but will come back in the spring. Water mandevillas daily until they become established; this will give them a good headstart. After they are established, provide them with a drink as needed. Fertilize with a formula for blooming tropical plants; this will help them thrive throughout the season. Prune mandevillas any time of year to help them keep their desired shape.
Some of our favorites: Mandevilla ‘Bella Scarlet,’ Mandevilla ‘Bella White,’ Mandevilla ‘Pink Alice Dupont,’ Mandevilla ‘Tropical Breeze Blushing Pink,’ Mandevilla ‘Tropical Breeze Flaming Red,’ Mandevilla ‘Red Emperor,’ Mandevilla ‘Fire and Ice’
Note: These plants are grown for decorative purposes and are not intended for human or animal consumption
Outstanding Features: Continuous flowering, trumpet shaped blooms, deep green leaves, vining or mounding habit
Common Name
Bloom Colors
Crimson, pink, and white
Water daily until established then water as needed
10 and above in the landscape
Feed periodically during the growing season with a fertilizer formulated for blooming plants.
Scientific Name
Mandevilla spp.
High, bright light for at least 6 hours a day
Depends on the variety
Plant in containers. Bring inside the home when temperatures drop below 45 degrees consistently. Place in a bright sunny location and water as needed.
Companion Plants
Majesty palms, duranta, foxtail fern