The Starburst plant is aptly named since it produces impressive clusters of pink flowers that emerge during the spring. Blooms keep coming all season long, tapering off in the summer. It is a relatively fast grower making it easy to train into a compact bush or a small tree. Keep in mind the final shape that you want the plant to have when you prune. If you select to train it as a small tree, trim off all the trunks except the main one sprouting out of the ground. This plant will tend to send out root shoots that will pop up regularly, so regular maintenance is required.
Plant the Clerodendrum in a sunny location and add some enriched topsoil with compost into the hole where you are going to plant it. Water the plant consistently until it becomes established in the landscape. Fertilize with a well-balanced fertilizer starting in the spring, then once again midsummer and finally in late fall. Use the Starburst plant as a hedge, screen, or as a specimen plant in the garden.
Note: These plants are grown for decorative purposes and are not intended for human or animal consumption
Outstanding Features: Amazing bunches of pink flowers contrast with dark green and burgundy leaves.
Common Name
Starburst, Shooting Star
Bloom Colors
Water consistently until established and then as needed
9 and above
Well-balanced fertilizer throughout the growing season
Scientific Name
Clerodendrum quadriculare
Full to part sun
15 feet tall and about 6 feet wide
In zones 8 and lower, use as a container plant.
Companion Plants
Clusia, thryallis, philodendron