Thryallis has a delicate appearance thanks to its thin leaves and small, showy flowers. This evergreen shrub has clusters yellow flowers at the tips of the branches. This medium-sized shrub is a sun-loving plant that will do best in direct sunlight. If planted in shady areas, it will get leggy and will not bloom as much. A bonus to the charming clusters of flowers is the sweet light scent they produce. Use thryallis along a walkway, borders, or as a complement to a taller plant along a hedge or privacy screen.
Plant thryallis in direct sun and in well-drained soil. This plant does not like to have wet feet, so avoid boggy areas or low areas that collect water. Fertilize about three times a year with a well-balanced fertilizer. Heavy pruning is usually not necessary since this plant grows at a moderate rate and is generally very well behaved.
Note: These plants are grown for decorative purposes and are not intended for human or animal consumption
Outstanding Features: Easy-care, clusters of flowers year-round, lightly scented flowers and attracts butterflies
Common Name
Thryallis, Rain of Gold
Bloom Colors
Water when the top two inches of soil feel dry
9 and above
Well-balanced fertilizer throughout the growing season
Scientific Name
Galphimia gracilis
Full Sun
Six feet tall and about three feet wide
In zones 9 and lower, use as a container plant or as an annual in the landscape
Companion Plants
Loropetalum, salvia, and crossandra